Are Enterprise 2.0 & Web 2.0 Different? | KMWorld 2011 Panel, Thur Nov 3, 2011 Washington DC

ImageKMWorld 2011 Panel C303 2pm-2:45pm Thur Nov 3, 2011. Join Traction® Software's Jordan Frank and a stellar panel from the FDA, Attivio, and Deloitte to discuss and debate the future of social software in the enterprise, how it relates to what you see and use on the public Web, and how it differs. Expect a lively discussion based on practical experience, research, and analysis. “We want Facebook for the enterprise!” That’s a call to action, but what does it mean, and why will it fail? There is a gulf of difference in the use case for 2.0 in the Enterprise vs. the Web. Deloitte research indicates the best starting point for E2.0 is exception management, not making friends. Permissions issues, incentives, and infrastructure differ enormously when you consider the enterprise vs. the web. Enterprise architects and decision makers need to look at the web to gather ideas but not to look in the mirror.

Jordan Frank, VP, Sales & Business Development - Traction Software
Sid Probstein, Chief Technology Officer - Attivio
Paul Fisher, Senior Policy Advisor - FDA
Marcelus DeCoulode, Strategy & Operations - Deloitte Consulting

More on this session. Please contact us to meet Jordan and panel members during KMWorld 2011 and learn about new Attvio Plus and TeamPage Social Enterprise Web capabilities.

See KMWorld 2011 Nov 1-3 Washington Marriott Wardman Park, Washington DC.

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