Law Enforcement and Intelligence

Law enforcement and Intelligence agencies are confronted with the problems of cooperating internally and externally (across agency) on cases, and may be legally bound to keep a log of hypotheses, activity, findings, evidence captured, interviews, and other material related to the case.

TeamPage is the ideal platform to journal intelligence content in secure Spaces and to communicate broadly within an agency or across agency boundaries.

The US Department of Justice - Western States Information Network (WSIN) customer story depicts how they've adopted TeamPage for analyst teams, a watch center and executive communication. Deployed a decade ago, this deployment has withstood the test of time - as any intelligence solution should!

The Public29: Strategic, Market and Competitive Intelligence Solution provides more detail on how TeamPage is deployed for intelligence capture, analysis and distribution as well as a central hub for an organization to build communities of intelligence. The concepts explained by the dashboard in that example carry through to Law enforcement and agency intelligence teams.

Also see In-Q-Tel signs expanded license agreement with Traction Software

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